A Manifesto to Protect the Enviornment

     For one of my workshops in the winter term, I took a class called Paper Machine Manifestos. In this class, we learned about typewriters and how to use them. Part of this included learning proper typing forms, cleaning and fixing our machines, and speaking with Lucas Dull, a typewriter repairperson from the Chicago area. We have also read three manifestos the Manifesto of Surrealism by Andre Breton, the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles, and the Feminist Manifesto by Mina Loy. Through all of these, we learned about how manifestos are written and we were able to analyze what their claim was. For our final project, we wrote our own manifesto on whatever topic we chose. I am writing about the Willow Project and its effects on the environment as it is a cause I care deeply about.

PC - scanned manifesto - 2023


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