GCE Student Lounge - AP

    The elements in this project are inspired by the YouMedia Lounge at the HWPL, the opinions of students

at GCE, and what I personally think should be found in a student lounge.

    From the YouMedia Lounge, I loved that they had so much equipment and supplies for kids to borrow or

check out. I think it's incredible how they are making more forms of artistic expression accessible to

students. Many of the rentable equipment is typically quite expensive which makes it harder for kids to

be able to just try it or for kids who are interested in picking up a new hobby. Other elements from the

library that I included in my design include the various form of seating and the variety of books available

for students to read. Also when at the library I found out that the YouMedia lounge is only open from 1-6 or

1-5. I think the limited hours are one thing I wouldn't want to be included in this lounge. Hopefully, it would

be open before, after, and during the school day.

    When talking to GCE students I found most people were interested in having a comfortable space that

was also inclusive and student-friendly. Other ideas that were mentioned were the use of dim overhead

lights, a kitchen area for students, charging areas for computers or other devices, and noise limitations.

    Some of my own ideas that I included in this design are having tables and chairs that can be easily

removed to make the space more versatile, soundproof glass on the windows and curtains so that the

space can be more secluded and quiet for when students are working and need to focus, and having

student artwork being used to decorate the space. A place for the students should also be a place that

inspires students and makes them feel comfortable and safe.

    In the cabinets and storage areas, there will be equipment and supplies that students can borrow. Some

of the items include books, noise-canceling headphones, video equipment, chargers, art supplies, and

more. Some of the supplies are used to make the space more inclusive, like the headphones and books.

Noise-cancelling headphones can be used to create a quiter enviornement for those who need it to be able

to work, study, or do homework. The books will be provided in multiple languages so that students can either

use them to learn new languages or read in their first language. Other kinds of books that would be supplies

are books in braile and large print books.

    The kitchenette includes a fridge and microwave for students to use for lunches or snacks. There will

also be food that is available for the students to eat while in the lounge. Most of the counter space is

unused so that it can be a place for projects or other big things to be left without being disturbed

    For the past week, I have done multiple things in preparation for the project. I researched other types

of student lounges, talked to my classmates about what would make the space comfortable and useful for

them, and visited the YouMedia lounge at the Harold Washington Public Library. Beyond researching, I

also brainstormed what I believe should be included in a student lounge and created multiple sketches of

the floor plan. My final drawing is made up of an overhead drawing of the lounge and pictures of the

different furniture pieces that would be used in that space.


Student Lounge Floorplan (PC) 09/01/22

Collage Magazines: Dwell, Travel + Leisure, Preservation, Lumens


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