Christopher Colombus Children's Book - AP

For my first week of school, I was assigned to make a children's book telling the story of how Colombus discovered the Americas. Many things went into this book including research, multiple drafts, and rewrites. When researching I got the opportunity to go to the children's section of the Harold Washington Library. Being able to read other kids books, and how they handle sensitive topics was very helpful for me. I used everything I has done during the week to help create the book.

This project was a great introduction to my time at GCE. I had fun with this project. While reviewing the book after making it I found some lines or drawings that I would like to change. I wish I could've had more time with this project so that the pictures could have more details and it could've been better written. For future APs I want to manage my time better and spend more time on the project.



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